
about bhutan map

  The map shows Bhutan, officially the Kingdom of Bhutan, also known as Druk Yul - the Land of Thunder Dragon. The kingdom is a landlocked country on the southern slopes of the eastern Himalayas. It borders the Indian states of Sikkim in the west, West Bengal and Assam in the south, and Arunachal Pradesh in the east, and it shares a border with  China  ( Xizang - Tibet Autonomous Region ) in the north. With an  area  of 38,394 km², the country is somewhat smaller than  Switzerland  or about half the size of the US state of  Indiana . Bhutan's landscape is mountainous interspersed with fertile valleys; it offers a pristine environment with a spectacular biodiversity. The country's landscape offers three major regions. South of the outer foothills of the Himalayas along its southern border are the Dooars (Duar). The Terai-Duar savanna and grasslands are Bhutan's very narrow portion of the subtropical and tropical alluvial floodplains of the Ganges-Brahmaputra lowlands (Indo-G

Gongsar ugyen wangchuck

  Gongsar  Ugyen Wangchuck   ( Dzongkha :   ཨོ་རྒྱན་དབང་ཕྱུག ,   Wylie :   o rgyan dbang phyug ; 11 June 1862 – 26 August 1926) was the first   Druk Gyalpo   (King) of   Bhutan   from 1907 to 1926. In his lifetime, he made efforts to unite the fledgling country and gain the trust of the people. Kings  of the  Wangchuck dynasty Ugyen wangchuck  Reign: 1907–1926 Jigme Reign: 1926–1952 Jigme Dorji Reign: 1952–1972 Jigme Singye Reign: 1972–2006 Jigme Khesar Namgyel Reign: 2006–present Life Embattled boyhood and rise to power Ugyen Wangchuck was born in Wangducholing Palace,  Bumthang  in 1862. His father,  Jigme Namgyal , was the  Druk Desi  of Bhutan at the time and He was apprenticed at the court of his father in the art of leadership and warfare at a very young age. Because he grew up in an embattled period, Ugyen Wangchuck was trained as a skilled combatant. In 1876, when he was 14, Ugyen joined his father in fighting the rebellious Penlop of Paro, Tshewnag Norbu. In early 1877 his fat

Ashi Tshering Yangdon Wangchuck

   Majesty the Queen Mother Ashi Tshering Yangdon Wangchuck (born 21 June 1959) founded Bhutan Nun’s Foundation in 2009. The foundation was established to improve the well-being and education of nuns in Bhutan. Her Majesty the Gyalyum is the Patron of Royal Bhutan Flower Exhibition and the Royal Society for the Protection and Care of Animals.  

Ashi Dorji Wangmo Wangchuck

  Her father,   Yab Dasho   Ugyen Dorji (1925–2019), was the Founder and Proprietor of   Ugyen Academy   (03/04/2002).   Her mother is   Yum   Thuiji Zam (b. 1932). Ashi  Dorji Wangmo Wangchuck is the first wife of King Jigme Singye Wangchuck, the Fourth King of Bhutan. She was educated at  St. Helen's School ,  Kurseong ,  India . She is the mother of Princess  Ashi   Sonam Dechen Wangchuck  and Prince  Dasho   Jigyel Ugyen Wangchuck . Activities The Queen Mother has sponsored and edited a number of books on poetry and essays on national issues. She is the author of “Of Rainbows and Clouds” a story of  Dasho Yab  Ugyen Dorji (the Queen’s Father), which is not only a gripping family saga, but an illuminating window on Bhutanese culture, society and history. Her second book “Treasures of the Thunder Dragon: A Portrait of Bhutan” is a blend of personal memoir, history, folklore and travelogue. Her third book “Dochula: A Spiritual Abode in Bhutan“ is a documentation of the Druk Wangye


  Life and career 1997–2012: Early life Roseanne Park ( Korean :  Park Chae-young ) was born on 11 February 1997 in  Auckland , New Zealand, to South Korean immigrant parents.She has an older sister. In 2004, at the age of seven, Rosé and her family moved to  Melbourne , Australia.She began singing and learned to play guitar and piano as a child and performed in church choirs.She attended Kew East Primary School, and  Canterbury Girls' Secondary College  but dropped out before Year 11 💙after signing with South Korean record label  YG Entertainment .

zhabdrung ngawang namgyel

  Ngawang Namgyal  (later granted the honorific  Zhabdrung Rinpoche , approximately "at whose feet one submits") ( Tibetan :  ཞབས་དྲུང་ངག་དབང་རྣམ་རྒྱལ་ ,  Wylie :  zhabs drung ngag dbang rnam rgyal ; alternate spellings include  Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel ; 1594–1651) and known colloquially as The Bearded Lama, was a  Tibetan Buddhist   lama  and the unifier of  Bhutan  as a nation-state. In addition to unifying the various warring fiefdoms for the first time in the 1630s, he also sought to create a distinct  Bhutanese cultural identity  separate from the  Tibetan culture  from which it was derived. Zhabdrung  Ngawang Namgyal was born at  Ralung  ( Wylie :  rwa lung ) Monastery,  Tibet  as the son of the  Drukpa  lineage-holder Mipham Tenpa'i Nyima ( Wylie : ' brug pa mi pham bstan pa'i nyi ma , 1567–1619), and Sönam Pelgyi Butri ( Wylie :  bsod nams dpal gyi bu khrid ), daughter of the ruler of Kyishö ( Wylie :  sde pa skyid shod pa ) in Tibet.On his father's


  T rashigang   ( Dzongkha :   བཀྲ་ཤིས་སྒང་། ), or   Tashigang , meaning "fortress of auspicious mount, is a town in eastern   Bhutan   and the district capital of the   Trashigang Dzongkhag   (district). The town lies to the east side of the valley above the  Drangme Chhu  river just south of where it is joined by the Gamri River. Trashigang is the eastern terminus of the  Lateral Road , Bhutan's main highway leading to  Phuntsholing  in the southwest. he fortress was built in 1659 atop a ledge with steep cliffs on three sides, overlooking the  Drangme Chhu  and Gamri Chhu rivers. The construction of the dzong was prophesied by  Ngawang Namgyal  who ordered the  Penlop (Governor) of Trongsa , Chhogyal Minjur Tempa to put down local chieftains and construct the dzong.According to legend, the sight of the Dzong scared the Tibetan army which retreated while remarking that the Dzong was a "Sky Dzong and was not on the ground". The dzong was further expanded by  Gyalsey