guru rinpoche

 Padmasambhāva("Born from a Lotus"),also known asGuru Rinpoche(Precious Guru) and theLotus from Oḍḍiyāna, was a tantric BuddhistVajra masterfromIndiawho taughtVajrayanainTibet(circa 8th – 9th centuries).According to some early Tibetan sources like theTestament of Ba, he came to Tibet in the 8th century and helped constructSamye Monastery, the first Buddhist monastery in Tibet.However, little is known about the actual historical figure other than his ties to Vajrayana and Indian Buddhism                 

Padmasambhava later came to be viewed as a central figure in the transmission of Buddhism to Tibet. Starting from around the 12th century, hagiographies concerning Padmasambhava were written. These works expanded the profile and activities of Padmasambhava, now seen as taming all the Tibetan spirits and gods, and concealing various secret texts (terma) for future tertöns.Nyangral Nyima Özer (1124–1192) was the author of the Zangling-ma (Jeweled Rosary), the earliest biography of Padmasambhava. He has been called "one of the main architects of the Padmasambhava mythos – who first linked Padmasambhava to the Great Perfection in a high-profile manner."


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